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Jun 19, 2018
Bye Bye Blubber.
Right. The time has come: the blubber is to be shed. I’ve put a stone on over the last few months and if I keep going at this rate then...

Jun 6, 2018
Training Programmes: how to formulate one and why they work.
They just sound so serious. That’s what put me off to start with. A TRAINING PROGRAMME sounds so…strict, so regimented, and most...

May 23, 2018
I’m not right at the beginning of my fitness journey – in as much as I have run for something other than an escaping toddler, and I have...

May 9, 2018
Fitter than ever at 40, 50, 60+
Let’s start with the bad news: your body was at its best at 21. Since then, well, let's not dwell on that, it's too lovely a day. I know...

Nov 2, 2017
The Great Outdoors.
Sitting at home with a hot water bottle shoved up my jumper, fingerless gloves, and so many layers I look like I’m incapable of getting...

Oct 19, 2017
I find many of my thresholds are tested on a daily basis – my patience threshold being the most frequently targeted at home, and my pain...

Oct 6, 2017
Expensive wee…is that all multivits give us?!
10 pages of notes I have here. TEN PAGES. Do you know how long that’s going to take me to simplify into a concise little blogeroo?! ...

Sep 7, 2017
Eau dear. Am I really drinking recycled sewage?
I’m loving the attention my new ‘black and blum water carafe with charcoal filter’ is getting. I totally copied the idea from one of my...

Aug 23, 2017
I was stressing about today: the holidays are in full swing, kids are at home, but there’s (shed loads of) work to be done. How am I...
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